Human Trafficking: Grassroots List January 2025

By Carolyn Gevinski

In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Grassroots Magazine would like to highlight organizations that provide resources and support for victims of sex and human trafficking. 

If you’re looking to support anti-human trafficking groups, please consider donating to or getting involved with the following organizations: 

  1. New Yorkers for the Equality Model is a goal-oriented movement campaigning for a holistic approach to prostitution. They have worked with legislators on the Sex Trade Survivors Justice and Equality Act, which passed in the senate but has not yet been signed into law by the governor. 

  2. Covenant House New York offers housing and health services. This nonprofit also lobbies for preventative anti-human trafficking and commercial sex exploitation legislation, such as the Sex Trade Survivors Justice and Equality Act. 

  3. McMahon Ryan is a child advocacy center based in Syracuse, New York working to end child abuse through prevention, intervention, and education. 

  4. The Sanctuary for Families has an Anti-Trafficking Initiative that connects survivors with resources. This organization works to address the specific needs of immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community. 

  5. Restore NYC is a nonprofit organization with a variety of programs that help survivors build a life free from trafficking. Some of these resources include client and housing services, and economic empowerment. 

  6. Safe Horizon has an Anti-Trafficking Program that aids survivors of labor and sex trafficking in New York City. “ATP” provides legal and case management services. 

  7. The Hotel Association of New York City offers unique trainings for hospitality employees in partnership with Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST). 


Carolyn Gevinski is a co-founder and co-editor-in-chief at Grassroots. She can be reached at


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